Trying out Marko
If you just want to play around with Marko in the browser, head on over to our Try Online feature. You'll be able to develop a Marko application right in your browser.
Creating new apps (Recommended)
If you're starting from scratch, you can use Marko's CLI commands to quickly create a starter app:
npm init marko
This will use an interactive CLI to automatically create a project for you using the pre-made starter template of your choosing. The basic
template is the most minimal and the easiest way to get started. It uses our recommended app framework Marko Run that handles building, bundling, and serving your web application. These projects are config-free with built-in file based routing and automatic code reloading.
Custom Bundling
Marko relies on JavaScript bundlers to package your code on both the client and the server. This is because Marko's client and server bundling works closely together to optimize the smallest client bundles and handle shared assets properly.
Using the CLI is still the easiest way to get started even when you want to get your hands dirty tweaking every last part of your config files. Marko currently supports Webpack, Lasso, and Rollup.
CLI Command: npx @marko/create --template webpack-express
CLI Command: npx @marko/create --template lasso-express
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