Marko + Fastify
Quick Start
npm init marko -- --template vite-fastify
See the the fastify sample project for a working example.
From Scratch
First install Marko and the fastify related dependencies:
npm install marko @marko/fastify fastify --save
The @marko/fastify
adds a reply.marko
decorator to the reply
object. This function allows us to pass in a Marko template and supports Marko's streaming and modular approach to templates.
By using reply.marko
you'll automatically have access to app.locals
, and reply.locals
from within your Marko template and custom tags. These values are added to $global
import fastify from "fastify"; import markoPlugin from "@marko/fastify"; import Template from "./template.marko"; const app = fastify(); app.register(markoPlugin); app.get("/", (request, reply) => { // Streams Marko template into the response. // Forwards errors into fa error handler. reply.marko(Template, { hello: "world" }); }); await fastify.listen(3000);
Global Outputs
We can add global outputs from the server side using the reply object or fastify instance.
reply.locals.newProperty = "Your value";
To use this in marko components we just need to refer out.global
$ const { newProperty } = $global;
$ const { newProperty } = $global;
To know more about sending the data to the browser checkout:
Sending global data to browsers
BYOB (Bring your own bundler)
For the large portion of Marko's API a bundler is required. The example code above assumes that Marko templates can be loaded in your environment. Marko supports a number of bundlers, take a look through our supported bundlers and pick what works best for you.
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