

To render a Marko view, you need to import it.

import FancyButton from "./components/fancy-button.marko";

Note: If you are targeting node.js, you will need to enable the require extension in order to require .marko files or you will need to precompile all of your templates using Marko CLI. If you are targeting the browser, you will need to use a bundler like lasso, webpack or rollup.

Once you have a view, you can pass input data and render it:

import FancyButton from "./components/fancy-button.marko";
const html = FancyButton.renderToString({ label: "Click me!" });


The data passed to renderToString becomes available as input in the component, so if fancy-button.marko looked like this:

button -- ${input.label}

The output HTML would be:

<button>Click me!</button>

Rendering methods

We used the renderToString method above to render the view, but there are a number of different method signatures that can be used to render.

Many of these methods return a RenderResult which is an object with helper methods for working with the rendered output.


inputObjectthe input data used to render the view
return valueRenderResultThe result of the render

Using renderSync forces the render to complete synchronously. If a tag attempts to run asynchronously, an error will be thrown.

import View from "./view.marko";
var result = View.renderSync({});



inputObjectthe input data used to render the view
return valueAsyncStream/AsyncVDOMBuilderthe async out render target

The render method returns an async out which is used to generate HTML on the server or a virtual DOM in the browser. In either case, the async out has a then method that follows the Promises/A+ spec, so it can be used as if it were a Promise. This promise resolves to a RenderResult.

import View from "./view.marko";
var resultPromise = View.render({});

resultPromise.then((result) => {

render(input, callback)

inputObjectthe input data used to render the view
callbackFunctiona function to call when the render is complete
callback valueRenderResultThe result of the render
return valueAsyncStream/AsyncVDOMBuilderthe async out render target
import View from "./view.marko";

View.render({}, (err, result) => {

render(input, stream)

inputObjectthe input data used to render the view
streamWritableStreama writeable stream
return valueAsyncStream/AsyncVDOMBuilderthe async out render target

The HTML output is written to the passed stream.

import http from "http";
import View from "./view.marko";

http.createServer((req, res) => {
  res.setHeader("content-type", "text/html");
  View.render({}, res);

render(input, out)

inputObjectthe input data used to render the view
outAsyncStream/AsyncVDOMBuilderThe async out to render to
return valueAsyncStream/AsyncVDOMBuilderThe out that was passed

The render method also allows passing an existing async out. If you do this, render will not automatically end the async out (this allows rendering a view in the middle of another view). If the async out won't be ended by other means, you are responsible for ending it.

import View from "./view.marko";
var out = View.createOut();

View.render({}, out);

out.on("finish", () => {



inputObjectthe input data used to render the view
return valueStringThe HTML string produced by the render

Returns an HTML string and forces the render to complete synchronously. If a tag attempts to run asynchronously, an error will be thrown.

import View from "./view.marko";
var html = View.renderToString({});

document.body.innerHTML = html;

renderToString(input, callback)

inputObjectthe input data used to render the view
callback valueStringThe HTML string produced by the render
return valueundefinedN/A

An HTML string is passed to the callback.

import View from "./view.marko";

View.renderToString({}, (err, html) => {
  document.body.innerHTML = html;


The stream method returns a Node.js-style stream of the output HTML.

import fs from "fs";
import View from "./view.marko";
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream("output.html");{}).pipe(writeStream);

This method is available on the server, but not available by default in the browser. If you need to use streams in the browser, you may import 'marko/stream' as part of your client-side bundle.













Global data

If you need to make data available to all rendered views, use the $global property on the input data object. This property will be removed from input and provided to the template through a variable called $global. It is also made available on the property.

Global values persist across renders.

  $global: {
    flags: ["mobile"],

Within the template you can access $global similar to accessing input.

  You are on ${$global.flags.includes("mobile") ? "mobile" : "desktop"}
div -- You are on ${$global.flags.includes("mobile") ? "mobile" : "desktop"}

Note: $global is not available within static parts of the template. In order to reference $global within the component class you must use from one of the lifecycle methods that provide it.

Warning: Use $global with caution; it is visible in any component.

Sending global data to browsers

⚠️ To prevent accidentally exposing sensitive data, by default no keys in $global are sent to browsers. To serialize data to the frontend, name the desired properties in $global.serializedGlobals.

Values must be serializable by the warp10 module.

import Page from "./index.marko";

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  const ua = req.get("User-Agent");

      $global: {
        isIos: /iPad|iPhone/.test(ua), // Serialized and available on the server and browser as `$global.isIos`
        isAndroid: /Android/.test(ua), // Serialized and available on the server and browser as `$global.isAndroid`
        req, // Only available server-side and not serialized, because it’s not in `serializedGlobals`

        serializedGlobals: {
          isIos: true, // Tell Marko to serialize `isIos`
          isAndroid: true, // Tell Marko to serialize `isAndroid`

For details, check #672: “Serialize only input and state on top-level server-rendered UI components”.

EDIT on GitHub


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