
Conditionals in Marko

Conditionals are essential for building dynamic user interfaces. They allow you to control which parts of your UI are displayed based on data, user interactions, or other conditions. Marko provides powerful and intuitive tags for handling conditional rendering in your templates.

<if>, <else-if>, and <else>

The <if>, <else-if>, and <else> tags in Marko work similarly to their JavaScript counterparts, allowing you to conditionally render blocks of HTML based on expressions that evaluate to truthy or falsy values.

Here's a basic example:

  <p>Welcome back, ${}!</p>
  <p>Please log in to continue.</p>
  p -- Welcome back, ${}!
  p -- Please log in to continue.

In this example:

  • If user.isLoggedIn is truthy (e.g., true), the first <p> tag will be rendered.
  • If user.isLoggedIn is falsy (e.g., false, undefined, null), the second <p> tag will be rendered.

You can also use <else-if> for multiple conditional checks:

<if=product.quantity > 0>
  <button>Add to Cart</button>
  <button disabled>Backordered</button>
  <button disabled>Out of Stock</button>
  --  0>
  button -- Add to Cart
  button disabled -- Backordered
  button disabled -- Out of Stock

Conditional Text and Attributes

You can also use JavaScript's ternary operator (condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse) within embedded JavaScript expressions (${}) and attribute values for more concise conditional logic.

Conditional Text:

  You have ${messages.length} new message${messages.length === 1 ? "" : "s"}.
p -- You have ${messages.length} new message${messages.length === 1 ? "" : "s"}.

Conditional Attributes:

<input type="checkbox" checked=user.rememberMe>
input type="checkbox" checked=user.rememberMe

In this example, the checked attribute will be added to the <input> element only if user.rememberMe is not "void".

Understanding Void Values in Marko

In Marko, any of the following values will be considered "void", causing them to not render anything in a ${} expression and cause an attribute to be omitted:

  • false
  • undefined
  • null

Be careful when using numbers on the left side of the &amp;&amp; operator in conditional expressions. Since 0 is a falsy value in JavaScript, but not void in Marko you may have potentially unexpected results.


<div>${messages.length && `You have ${messages.length} new messages`}</div>
-- ${" "}
div -- ${messages.length && `You have ${messages.length} new messages`}
-- ${" "}

If messages.length is 0, it will render <div>0</div>, which is probably not what you intended.

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